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Cashflows Europe Limited ("Cashflows") is regulated as follows:


FCA Register information

Cashflows is a wholly owned subsidiary of RGB Holdings Limited and is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority, under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 for the issuing of Electronic Money and the provision of payment services (FCA Register reference 900006).

You can access the FCA Register at https://register.fca.org.uk


Companies House information

Cashflows is registered in England & Wales under company number 5428358 and has its registered office at 11-12 Hanover Square, 2nd Floor, London, W1S 1JJ, United Kingdom,


Card schemes

Cashflows is a Principal Member of Visa Europe and Mastercard Europe.

Cashflows is a Supervised Financial Institution of SWIFT with SWIFT BIC CASH GB 2L


Section 172(1) statement

The directors of the company have throughout the year acted in good faith to promote the success of the company for the benefit of its members as a whole.

The Group continues to work closely with its customers and partners to ensure all services meet their needs and expectations and that, as a regulated business, Cashflows conducts itself with the highest possible standards.

The Group has continued to focus on improving employee well-being and engagement with regular company ‘Town Hall’ meetings and ongoing communication. The Group also increased its rate of contribution to the employee pension scheme during the year as well as making improvements to the office working environment.


Other information

Cashflows is certified PCI DSS Level 1 compliant, the highest level of card data security.


Policies and procedure