Response codes
To help you integrate to our payment gateway and understand why and how a payment has failed we provide the following response codes.
'V' is a validation error (e.g. invalid card number)
'D' is a decline
'R' is a referral (has to be treated as a decline)
'B' is a blocked transaction
'C' is a cancelled transaction (e.g. user pressed cancel on payment page)
'S' is a system error
These will be followed by a 3 digit code, the first digit is an internal code which can be ignored. The final two digits provide the details of the response code.
The list below is given as, for example, Vx01 which means it is the result for V101, V201, V301 etc.
Response Code | Reason for Code |
Vx01 | Invalid merchant details |
Vx02 | Invalid expiry date |
Vx03 | Invalid start date |
Vx04 | Invalid issue number |
Vx05 | Invalid CVV |
Vx06 | Invalid card number |
Vx07 | Card holder name not set |
Vx08 | Insufficient address details |
Vx09 | Invalid country code |
Vx10 | Invalid cart ID |
Vx11 | Invalid email address |
Vx12 | Invalid phone number |
Vx13 | Invalid amount |
Vx14 | Invalid currency code |
Vx15 | Invalid customer IP |
Vx16 | Original trans not found |
Vx17 | Invalid merchant IP |
Vx18 | Unknown transaction type |
Vx19 | Card number changed |
Vx20 | Currency changed |
Vx21 | Original trans ref required |
Vx22 | Amount exceeds original |
Vx23 | Can not refund this type of transaction |
Vx24 | Amount changed |
Vx25 | User account details required |
Vx26 | Invalid request |
Vx27 | Original trans not pre-auth |
Vx28 | Transaction mode changed |
Vx29 | Card/Currency combination not supported |
Vx30 | Unknown card type |
Vx31 | Issue number required |
Vx32 | Issue number not required |
Vx33 | Duplicate transaction |
Vx34 | Unable to void transaction |
Vx35 | Original trans was not authospan> |
Vx36 | Invalid PIN |
Vx37 | Unknown transaction class |
Vx38 | Original transaction type does not match |
Vx39 | Card expired |
Vx40 | CVV Required |
Vx41 | Original transaction already settled |
Vx42 | Original transaction already cancelled |
Vx43 | This card does not support the required transaction type |
Vx44 | Transaction details do not match original |
Vx52 | 3DS Not Enabled |
Vx53 | 3DS Data Invalid |
Vx54 | Concurrent authorisations |
Vx55 | Invalid Funds Recipient Date (MCC 6012 Merchants) |
Vx56 | Terminal mismatch |
Vx57 | Transaction not allowed on this card |
Vx58 | Original transaction requires 3DS attempt/auth |
Vx59 | ECOM transactions require 3DS attempt/auth |
Vx60 | Verify for Amex card not supported |
Vx61 | Recurrence Flag usage invalid |
Vx62 | Initial Sale/Verify ARN missing for subsequent sale |
Vx63 | Initial Sale/Verify for subsequent sale not approved |
Vx64 | Initial transaction on card expired |
Dx01 | Non-specific decline |
Dx02 | Declined due to funds (insufficient/limit exceeded) |
Dx03 | Retain card response |
Dx05 | On our blacklist |
Dx07 | Live/test mismatch |
Dx08 | Refund: Insufficient merchant funds in account |
Dx10 | Card authorisation attempt limit reached |
Dx11 | Monthly Scheme Decline Rate limit reached |
Dx40 | Continuous Authority cancelled for the transaction |
Dx41 | Continuous Authorities cancelled for the merchant |
Dx43 | Continuous Authorities cancelled for the card |
Dx44 | Function not supported (Amex only) |
Dx45 | Incorrect CVV (Amex only) |
Dx46 | Incorrect Start Date (Amex only) |
Dx47 | Card Number Changed (Amex only) |
Dx48 | Invalid Currency Code (Amex only) |
Dx90 | Pre-Authorisation anti-fraud block |
Dx91 | Post-Authorisation anti-fraud block |
Rx01 | Referral |
Ex01 | Transaction error |
Cx01 | Transaction cancelled |
Cx02 | Transaction expired |
Sx00 | Invalid transaction Request |
Sx01 | Connection failure |
Sx02 | Invalid response |
Sx03 | Response timeout |
Sx04 | Server error |
Sx05 | Server error |
Sx06 | No response from issuer |
Sx07 | Service not available |
Sx99 | Unknown Error |
Address Verification and CVV Check Response Codes
The CVV/AVS result is a 3 digit value, each digit representing a different check. The first value is the CVV check, the second is the address and the third is the postcode.
The possible values for each digit are as follows:
Response Code | Meaning of the Code |
0 | Not Checked |
1 | Check was not available |
2 | Full match |
3 | Partial match |
4 | Not matched |
5 | Error |
A partial match is only possible for the address or postcode data, not for CVV check.
Not all banks support all of these checks, in which case the results will be either 0 or 1.
Example Response | CVV Check Response | Address Verification Response | Postcode Match Response |
232 | Full match | Partial match | Full match |
400 | Not matched | Not checked | Not Checked |